Friday, May 19, 2023
Skokie Courthouse
12:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Snacks and beverages will be provided
Registration Rate:
Members - $25
Non-Members - $50
Eligible for 5 Professional Responsibility CLE Credits
Outline of Events:
12:10 PM to 1:10 PM
Stress in the Workplace: The Impact On Our Thinking and Wellbeing (1.0 Credit Hour, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Presentation)
Dr. Diana Uchiyama, JD, PsyD, CAADC
Executive Director at the Lawyer's Assistance Program
Dr. Diana Uchiyama is the Executive Director of the Illinois Lawyers’ Assistance Program (LAP). Prior to joining LAP, she was the Administrator of Psychological Services for DuPage County and ran a licensed outpatient substance use treatment program, including a Mentally Ill Substance Abuse (MISA) program and Seeking Safety program for individuals with substance use problems, who were also trauma survivors. Read more.
1:10 PM to 2:10 PM The Path to a Successful and Satisfying Law Career (1.0 Credit Hour, Professionalism Workshop)
Dr. Diana Uchiyama, JD, PsyD, CAADC
Executive Director at the Lawyer's Assistance Program
2:20 PM to 3:50 PM
Obstacles And The Unexpected: Advice From Women Attorney (1.5 Credit Hour Diversity and Inclusion Panel)

Kilby Cantwell Macfadden
Principal Assistant Deputy Chief of the Fraud Section of the Department of Justice
Kilby Cantwell Macfadden, serves as the Principal Assistant Deputy Chief of the Fraud Section of the Department of Justice. In this role, she focuses her prosecutions on medical professionals who overprescribe opioids fueling the national opioid epidemic. Read more.
Corinne Cantwell Heggie
Principal of Heggie Wochner Law Firm LLC
Corinne Cantwell Heggie is a principal of Heggie Wochner Law Firm LLC where she helps individuals, families, and business owner avoid asset loss, taxes, and court battles with estate and business plans. Corinne can go to probate court if a judge decides where property will be distributed. Read more.
Cinthya Lee
Managing Partner at Hernandez & Lee Law Office
Prior to becoming a partner at Hernandez & Lee Law Office in 2017, Cinthya was Supervising Attorney for the Traffic & Criminal Division and the Family Law Division for a boutique law firm in Rolling Meadows. Read more.

Belle Katubig
Cook County Assistant State's Attorney
Belle Katubig is a Cook County Assistant State’s Attorney where she focuses on defending physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals employed by John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital and its affiliated institutions and clinics. Read more.
MK Gamble
Principal at The Law Office of MK Gamble
Monica-Kaye Gamble, known as MK Gamble, is an attorney and policy advocate who operates a legal practice and consulting firm in Chicago. Read more.
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Burnout And Breaking Points: The Science Behind Stress & Anxiety and a Blueprint for Managing It (1.5 Credit Hour, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Presentation)

Shemiah Derrick
Licensed Relationship Therapist and Certified Addictions Counselor
Shemiah Derrick is a Licensed Relationship Therapist and Certified Addictions Counselor who teaches individuals and couples how to communicate and create exciting relationships. Read more.